Tuesday, April 15, 2008

AMAZING time in Langano

(Sunny's email to home)
Hey there! Sorry I couldn't write sooner! Difficulties with internet and busy schedule since we've been back in Addis. But I'm here safe and sound!
Langano was an AMAZING time! we had 26 ethiopian girls come...about 20 were from the Addis Eagles team and the rest were the coaches we've been working with! it was great to have them all together and to have our Eagles team working with us to encourage the ministry and relationships we've established! One girl came to know the Lord...in a dramatic, lifechanging way! not just for her, but for all of us who were there to experience it! Can't wait to share more!
The Charlotte team played the Ethiopian National team yesterday and won 3-2!!!! it was amazing! tomorrow we are invited to the US embassador (in ethiopia) house for lunch!
The team leaves monday night. we leave wed, so we have a lot of loose ends to tie up before we go!
last minute change of plans for my trip home...sarah, me and one of our other friends who came with the Eagles have decided to spend a few extra days in Germany on our stopover...our friend, CC, has family there and we will be staying with them. Sarah and I thought it would be a good time to transition and debrief before jumping right in to life in the US! hope you weren't planning a surprise visit at the charlotte airport?!!!! just kdding! but we will be getting back on the 21st now. i'm sure i'll be able to check email while i'm there, so write if you want!
How is everyone back home?
Can't wait to be able to talk with you on the phone!!!!

Love you!

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